No Jobs For a Software Developer Coming Back to India?
Key Highlights
An Indian software developer working in the US shares his plight as he plans to return.
His Reddit post reports no jobs for him in his home country.
Reddit users credit cutthroat competition in jobs market as one of the reasons.
A software developer is planning to return to India, that is Bharat, to take care of his parents. However, he is facing difficulties not related to travel or accommodation, or even culture. But, a major drawback that the software developer is facing is what every Indian relates to - jobs. He has shared his plight on Reddit, and has sought recommendations. Needless to say, Reddit users have shared their side and advised him on a few points.

That said, NRIs are reportedly returning to Bharat in large numbers and are actively seeking jobs in their relevant industry. Just like the protagonist of this article, they too are facing issues in securing jobs. No matter the reason for returning to their home nation, education, or even experience, there are a few things they can do to try a little better in the job market.
Jobs in India for a Software Developer, Any?
First things first - the software developer who is planning to return to Bharat has lived in the US for 12 years and has worked for 9 years in 2 universities. According to this Reddit post, his primary skill sets are Python, Django (along with Django REST), JavaScript, Vue.js, and Postgres.
He has experience building data pipelines, web applications, and data visualizations. But, there are still no jobs he is able to get a call back from. User @Free-Length-683, who has possibly deleted the account since the media picked up the story, has said that he has been trying for 6 months and is due to land in Bharat in May this year.
For now, he has analyzed that the issue could be technologies which Indian companies list in every job posting. These are cloud computing, docker, Kubernetes, and message queues - something that he has never worked on. Also, he has set his salary expectations to around ₹30-35 lacs.
While salary expectation makes sense considering he has worked in the US for 9 years and is little aware of the pay range in Bharat, one has to note that he has not received a single call in the last 6 months - except one which did not turn into confirmation. These are the same employers who are quick enough to judge a candidate on his or her resume and don’t want to interact with them just to save time. Basically, what looks bad on a resume has to be bad in person too.
A resume is a reflection of a candidate but not a single call in 6 months says more about the trend that employers are following in the jobs market.
Reddit users have shared their suggestions. Someone has said that he may want to try getting into a good university based on his experience. Another Reddit user has suggested that he should join a company that has an office in India. This way, he can request a transfer to the Indian office and live with his parents. One Reddit user has called out the cutthroat competition in Bharat for jobs, adding that networks are often more useful in such situations.
NRIs Coming Back to Bharat
Reddit user @Free-Length-683 is returning to Bharat to take care of his aging parents with his mother suffering from disability and father turning 78-79. Many more NRIs have reported a similar situation as a reason for returning to their home nation. It is estimated that almost 70% of NRIs are returning to Bharat and looking for jobs.
In addition to that, many NRIs have expressed interest in coming back as their retirement plan. According to Morningstar, 70% from the UK and 75% from America could come back after they retire from their American jobs.
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What’s also attracting NRIs is Bharat’s digital transformation, rising middle class, and improving lifestyle. Sure, the pace could be debated but there is little to deny that the country is growing and could multiply its growth in the next 10-15 years. NRIs are also considering coming back because of Bharat’s lower cost of living, healthcare facilities, and rising investment opportunities.
What Can Returning NRIs Do to Get a Job?
Just like every other Indian, NRIs may want to establish a network on social media platforms like LinkedIn. They may also want to continuously explore trends in the job market. Set a clear salary expectation not based on their current living standards but as per the living standards of Bharat. Most importantly, start filling cultural gaps before landing in the country for a sustainable life.
As for employers, they have a bad habit of sending automated rejections to candidates without considering how these responses affect them. Employers filter candidates purely based on a first-come-first-serve basis. You may have a brilliant experience and your resume may have been crafted professionally. But, you are out if you are not top 10 or top 20 applicants.
The HR department's job, part of the job rather, is to review applications and then decide which candidate they want to interview. Instead, it puts little effort into its actual job role and hires the wrong candidates.
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